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Sign Up to be a Super Volunteer


The November election may seem far in the future, but the truth is we will start organizing soon to identify supporters. And for that, we’ll need some Super Volunteers.

These super volunteers are called Precinct Delegates, the grassroots volunteers and building blocks of our party. Precinct delegates are elected in the Aug. 2 Democratic primary by fellow Democrats in their precinct.

In past elections, precinct delegates have helped us in many ways – sending letters to sporadic voters, letting voters know about our candidates, watching the public integrity tests of voting machines, and more.

They also are eligible to vote at party conventions.

To become a precinct delegate, you must fill out a form, have your signature notarized, and then take the form to the county elections office.

To help with this process, we will have a notary public in our office on two Saturdays, April 23 and April 30, from noon to 4 p.m., who will notarize your signature and then deliver your form to the county elections office before the May 3 deadline. Your name will appear on the Aug. 2 primary ballot. Remember to vote for yourself as you must receive at least one vote to be elected.

Please let us know you are coming to sign up to be a precinct delegate by filling out this form

It is crucial to have good Democrats in these positions. In some townships, we have no one signed up to a precinct delegate yet. In the state of Idaho, Republicans are trying to take over local Democratic parties by having their supporters run as Democratic precinct delegates. We can’t let that happen here!

Please plan on coming by our office at 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton, on either April 23 or April 30 to fill out the form and have your signature notarized. And bring a friend or relative to sign up, too!

(Paid for by Livingston County Democratic Executive Committee, 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton, MI 48114. Labor donated.)

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Paid for by Livingston County Democratic Committee, 8028 Grand River Ave., Suite 7, Brighton, MI 48114. Labor Donated.

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