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Livingston Dems Launch Walk for Warmth Drive

Winter energy bills can be tough in Michigan. This year is no exception. But each year Livingston Dems lend a hand by participating in the Oakland-Livingston Human Services Agency Walk for Warmth event.

This year, OLHSA’s Walk for Warmth will take place on Saturday, Feb. 11, indoors at the Hartland Education Services Center, 9525 E. Highland Road, Hartland Township. Registration is at 8:30 a.m., with the event beginning at 9 a.m. Livingston Dems will field a team for walking at the event. You may register and make a donation on the day of the event and join our team then, but if you aren’t able to attend you also may donate to our team here.

The agency hopes to raise $150,000 for energy assistance to families who have trouble paying their energy bills. About 28 percent of those who receive help through the program are children under the age of 18.

“When the temperature dips, the cost of staying warm goes up. The budgets of many families just won’t stretch to cover everything, but Democrats always step forward to help and we know we will again. Please help with whatever amount you can contribute,” said Judy Daubenmier, chair of the Livingston County Democratic Party. "This family-friendly event is a great way to get some exercise and have a little fun.” The party raised more than $1,100 last year for Walk for Warmth and would like to meet that goal again this year.

(Paid for by Livingston County Democratic Executive Committee, 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton, MI 48114. Labor donated.)

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