Listening to voters and helping them understand Democratic Party issues is important even in non-election years. That’s why Livingston County Democrats will kick off their Summer of Action on Saturday, June 24, with a day of canvassing and phone banking.
“We cannot afford to take our voters for granted. We want to connect with them well before the election to hear their concerns, make sure they know about the achievements of the Democratically-led Michigan Legislature, and let them know about changes in election laws in 2024,” said Judy Daubenmier, Livingston County Democratic Party chair. “So lace up your walking shoes and come out and join us for some meaningful conversations with voters.”
We will meet at 10 a.m. at party headquarters, 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton. Training and materials will be provided. Canvassers are asked to bring a well-charged smart phone for using the Mini-VAN canvassing app.
Please sign up here for canvassing or here for phone banking. The party will have monthly days of action throughout the summer and fall.