Can Democrats win in the Rust Belt? Paul Kendrick, the executive director of Rust Belt Rising, believes they can. And he’s helped many of them do it. Kendrick will speak to Livingston County Democrats at their January 25 meeting about how Democrats can hone their message to appeal to the maximum number of voters.

"We know that the Democratic Party is the party of working families and we want to be sure we are explaining that in the fullest possible way. That’s why we are delighted to have Paul visiting with us at our January meeting,” said Judy Daubenmier, chair of the Livingston County Democratic Party. The purpose of Rust Belt Rising is to train candidates to stress economic issues that are most important to working families. The organization works with Democratic candidates in the six states bordering the Great Lakes (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) to translate their values into persuasive economic messages.

By working with candidates farther down on the ballot, the organization builds a pipeline of qualified candidates and strengthens Democratic infrastructure in the Rust Belt. Kendrick worked on the 2018 campaign of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, was Wisconsin Youth Vote Director for President Obama and Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s 2012 campaign and worked in the Obama White House. He also is the co-author of Douglass and Lincoln. Kendrick will speak at the party’s Jan. 25 meeting at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Please register here.