The 2024 election is less than a year away. That’s why Livingston Dems have already begun recruiting people to run for local office!
“Democracy means having a choice of whom to vote for. Livingston Dems are committed to giving voters in every part of Livingston County a choice at the ballot box next November,” said Judy Daubenmier, chair of the Livingston County Democratic Party. “But we can’t do that unless people like you are willing to step up and be part of the ticket that will be defending democracy in 2024.”
The local offices on the ballot in 2024 include:
Countywide offices of prosecutor, sheriff, clerk, register of deeds, treasurer, and drain commissioner.
All nine county commissions seats.
All positions in the county’s 16 townships, including supervisor, clerk, treasurer, and trustee.
“When Democrats go to the polls and see no one to vote for in their party, they feel isolated and alone. We can’t let that happen,” Daubenmier said. “We are anxious to talk to anyone who might be interested in running for any of these seats. We can discuss how to file for office, what resources are available from the party to help candidates, the time commitment involved in a campaign, what’s involved in serving in elected office, as well as answering any questions you might have.”
“People often think they aren’t qualified for public offices, but the most important qualifications are being committed to making our community better, common sense, and a willingness to put in the time.”
Daubenmier said a number of people are already committed to running in 2024, but the party wants more people to join the Democracy Team. Anyone wishing more information should fill out this form and the party will reach out.
