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2020 Has Already Begun!

Writer's picture: livingstondemslivingstondems

The election is more than a year away, our party's presidential nominee hasn't been selected, and Livingston Dems already have had two days of action and a third one coming up in July.


It's simple. In 2016, we started reaching out to voters in September, two months before the November election.

We lost.

In 2018, we started reaching out to voters a year and a half before the election.

We won an historic victory, sweeping statewide offices and recording an 82 percent increase in Democratic votes in Livingston County.

It's pretty clear which method worked and which didn't. We won't make the mistake of 2016 again.

There simply isn't enough time between the end of the 2020 national Democratic convention and the November election to reach out to all the voters we need to talk to in order to win. Voters move, they change their party affiliation, they have issues they want addressed, they need information about how to vote, and they have questions about our candidates' positions.

People who knocked on doors in June found voters glad to see them now. "Many people actually thanked us for knocking on doors and volunteering," said one canvasser.

"Lots of happy/positive Dems today. Appreciated having us reach out regarding their issues," said another.

And a phone banker said one woman told her she had been a Republican but is now a Democrat. Another phone banker found a new volunteer for us. That's why we'll continue our days of action this year -- and are even re-instating Phone Bank Wednesdays, phone banking from noon to 3 p.m. each Wednesday. 

Stop by party headquarters, 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton, if you can and dial some Democrats!

Some of the canvassers from last year. Many are back helping this year, too!

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