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  • Writer's picturelivingstondems

Enjoy Good, Clean Fun with Livingston Dems!

Looking for some good, clean fun? Then join Livingston Dems on Sunday, April 14, for our quarterly roadside cleanup under the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Adopt-a-Highway program.


Livingston Dems have been participating in MDOT’s Adopt-a-Highway program for more than 30 years, picking up litter along a two-mile stretch of M-59 in Oceola Township.

The April 14 cleanup is the first one of the 2024 season, which means a winter’s worth of litter will have accumulated along the roadway. Cleanup usually takes about two hours, but having more volunteers can cut that time.

Please meet at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of Ironwood Golf Club, 6902 E. Highland Rd., in Oceola Township, parking near the fence. Sign up here to receive updates and reminders.


Wear sturdy shoes, a hat, and sunscreen and bring work gloves. The party will provide a safety briefing, safety vest, trash bags, and pickup sticks. Jordan Genso will be in charge.


“If you are new to the party, this is a great, informal opportunity to meet other Democrats and enjoy casual conversation while getting some exercise and doing something for the environment,” said Judy Daubenmier, party chair. The rain date will be April 21.

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