More aggressive environmental protection, more walking lanes and bike paths, and more cooperation among subdivisions for key services are among the priorities of a pair of Democrats running for spots on the Brighton Township board.
Jean Thayer-Seitz, a certified addictions nurse practitioner, and Lee Anzicek, a retired school administrator, are running as Democrats for two of the four trustee spots on the ballot in the November.
“We need a fair representation of both Republicans and Democrats,” said Thayer-Seitz. “We also need, from both sides, the ability to listen to the opposing point of view and a willingness to compromise.”
“I will push more cooperation among homeowners’ associations, and possibly townships, for services such as street maintenance and trash collection to achieve economies of scale, better rates, and better service, and to get more projects done sooner,” Anzicek said.
Deteriorating roads, lack of sidewalks along busy roads, and lack of testing for PFAS in Brighton Township waterways are also among Thayer-Seitz’s top concerns.
Thayer-Seitz works for Key Development Center, a nonprofit organization that works with Community Mental Health and the Livingston County Jail. Key Development Center along with the courts, have developed a special court program providing inmates who need both mental health and substance use, get the medical care they need.
She has a master’s degree in nursing from South University, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Eastern Michigan University, and is dual certified as a nurse practitioner in family medicine and addictions medicine. She also previously worked for the Centers for Disease Control as an infectious disease specialist and become one of the state’s first pre- and post-test counselors for HIV patients in the Detroit Health Department. She is a member of the Michigan Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Prior to her work in the health care field, she owned and operated a daycare service for seven years and a massage therapy service.
A resident of the county for 27 years, she is married to Tom Ford and has three adult sons.
Anzicek also would like to see more aggressive environmental protection, starting with much broader PFAS testing.
He is a former president of the Harvest Hills Homeowners’ Association, is co-chair of the Crossroads Sierra Club’s political action committee, and has been active in the Livingston County branch of Big Brothers Big Sisters for 15 years. A former administrator in the Allen Park school district, Anzicek has lived in Brighton Township for 15 years.
He is married and he and his wife, Susan, have nine grandchildren.
Persons wishing more information may contact Thayer-Seitz at JeanThayerSeitz@gmail.com and Anzicek at leeanzicek4brightontwp@gmail.com.
(Paid for by Livingston County Democratic Executive Committee, 8028 Grand River, Woodland Plaza Suite 7, Brighton, MI 48114. Labor donated.)